
2022 Christmas Home Tour

This year’s decorating season has come and left. It was my intention to write and update the blog as Christmas decorating occurred, but given my December 25 post, I think we can all agree that did not happen. This year, I decorated 8 trees in total. With only 3 at home, the others were for friends. My favorite hobby (tree decorating) is making others happy and I love it.

At home decor this year included lots of colors, which was a little out of my comfort zone but turned out beautiful. About 1,000,000 ornaments on this tree.

The boys got their own very simple, very toddler friendly, very play proof tree with lots of dinosaurs.

I made a new favorite area for Christmas reading and memories, which I plan to update next year.

Candy canes and gingerbread houses in the kitchen.

This beauty went to the lobby of the school where I teach and the gingerbread inspired tree was part of my classroom this holiday season.

This year, I also decorated trees for friends which made my heart happy. An ocean themed tree and a Charlie Brown Christmas tree (I had to do some google searches for this one).

Next year, we will go very traditional with gold, red, and green tones per Angie’s request. Wish me luck!

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