Family Fun

A family vacation after 4 months of social distancing.

Being at home due to coronavirus concerns was getting the best of us, actually it was more like the worst. I could see my children’s energy and enthusiasm decreasing with each passing hour. And honestly, so was my sanity. It was with both my mental health and theirs in mind that I one day suggested we go on vacation. And no, not your typical “let’s get on a plane, rent a hotel, and discover a new place” vacation. I was thinking about traveling in our own car and staying in someone else’s house to enjoy a change of scenery. With that idea in mind, I proceeded to discover one of the best inventions in modern times: Airbnb. Not sure what any of the letters stand for, and I am not going to research it now, but if you were living a vacation free life like myself you may want to check it out.

After discussing it with our family, we decided to rent a 4 bedroom house with a pool and a jacuzzi. We wanted to relax and most importantly we needed a way to keep the kids entertained. The beach was close by, but at the time I wasn’t sure we would be able to go. More on that later.

We had some rain but clearly it only encouraged us more.

After wearing our pajamas for extended periods of time at home, this little vacation allowed me to further explore my obsession with matching outfits. Jorge refuses to participate in family matching outfits. Because according to him “we would look crazy” and he is not wearing palm trees or cheetah print. Whatever! I have total control over the little ones, before they turn into full Cuban men.

After several days enjoying the pool and the occasional afternoon rain, we ventured to the beach. It was a total success except for Toni, who did not like the water, or the sand, or the heat. But had a great time otherwise.

Taking a break from my constant work as a photographer, I decided that it was a good occasion to take some family pictures. I present to you, a collection of loving pictures in which one or two of the photographed will be looking away, down or in any direction other than the camera. You may find slight crying and or screaming.

Aside from all the water related activities, we did find time for cooking, bike riding, and game playing.

But most importantly, we got to spend time with our family, smile, eat and test each other’s patience in a different setting. I can’t wait to go back!

Special thank you to Angie who was so excited by this vacation and would not let me back down.

We love you!

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