Crafts Family Fun

Book inspired Valentine’s day photos

Valentine’s day is here and with it more fun opportunities for cute pictures. The kids get antsy when taking pictures and we currently have a lot of difficulties following directions. Yes, they are too little and that is clearly the reason, but mommy me wants pictures where everyone is looking at the camera. I am going to spoil this post for you right now and tell you it didn’t happen in this shoot but we are definitely getting closer.

I have come to understand, from my constant effort to take good pictures, that the boys need to be entertained. This is really hard when I am behind the camera (phone), so we need props. And from that realization came my idea to use books to inspire my pictures and props. Are you confused yet? I love books and Yoyi really likes books as well so he is willing to “read” the book for a picture or do whatever is on the book. Now, I present to you the featured stories and our effort to recreate some of the scenes.

Our first activity was making Valentine’s day cards like mouse did for his friends. This idea included lots of stickers, stamps, pens, and cards.

The next fun activity included decorating cookies for an indoor picnic. Just like at the end of Olive my love, when Olive finally opens the heart and has a tasty picnic with her friends. I wish we had chocolate because the cookies were not very tasty.

The third set of pictures is surely my favorite and Angie had a lot of fun. Yoyi, on the other hand, kept trying to clean his face. Here is a little clue…..

I think he said yes!

And because I love “Big Shark’s Valentine Surprise”, I volunteered for those pictures. At this point Yoyi was tired so it was a little challenge. But I still love any and all pictures with my big boy.

If you can’t get enough of the coordinating pajamas and constant movement, I will be posting all the behind the scene photos to my instagram stories and highlights.

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