Family Fun

Celebrating the birthday boy: GCM & Disney World.

We celebrated Yoyi last weekend and its seems unbelievable that he is already three. I can still remember his second birthday and that says a lot since I can’t remember what I did twenty minutes ago.

We continued with the tradition of taking him to the Glazer Children’s Museum, and it is still one of my favorite places to go. The kids always have endless fun and there is no waiting for anything since they have so many toys and activities. He enjoyed truck driving, boat playing, and surprisingly farming. The baby also enjoyed all the fun and neither wanted to leave at the end of the day.

As promised, we made reservations for Disney, since Yoyi has been asking for Mickey Mouse for weeks. We were all so excited for him to see Mickey Mouse and all the beautiful things at Magic Kingdom. While everything is always magical, the lines and the wait was more than he could handle and by lunch time he was pretty tired. I suspect he will enjoy it more when he is able to stand in line without asking to be carried, and definitely when he doesn’t have to take a nap during the day. Nonetheless, he was super happy to see not one but 3 Disney characters during different small parades.

This was, without a doubt, a very special weekend for us, especially for Yoyi. He had so much fun and enjoyed all the pampering.

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