
Craft board in Angie’s Art Studio.

After working on my side of our classroom/art room area (find that post here, it was only fair that we give Angie’s side a makeover as well. This was a two day project because the little ones need attention and the beautiful flowers took a total of 10 hours to make. Thank God for long weekends.

We had purchased the plastic pegboard from Ikea back in March and that was our white canvas.

We had also ordered the storage containers months ago and the order got cancelled. We ordered again about a month ago, and the delivery service lost our box. We were losing hope, but somehow the box finally arrived on Friday.

All the Skadis storage solutions

As with any organizing project, we must decide what we want to place in each of the containers. Our first step was sorting through a lot of markers. This was all Angie’s job.


She even sorted them to see how they would look inside the containers.

The second step included placing each of the storage containers on our “white board” and organizing the supplies.

The third and last step was to create and hang these beautiful paper flowers. A tutorial on how to make these needs a blog post of its own. They can be made with colored cardstock, but we decided to paint white cardstock with water colors to get the exact colors Angie wanted. We also thought it would be a good idea to honor the craft wall by making the flowers into an actual craft project. After 10 hours, they are exactly what we imagined.

And this was our weekend project, a little bit more time consuming than expected but totally worth it.

For information on each of the supplies, check the following picture.

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