Family Fun

Family fun activities to say good bye to this winter break

The end of winter break always comes too soon. I always feel like I needed more time to enjoy the month of December, the happiness that brings us all, the amount of unlimited food, and not having to wake up at 5:00 am. But here we are again, with the illusion that all will be better because a new year is starting and we can conquer the world. I will be conquering the world, next December when my happy time comes again.

To feel a little bit better about the end of the most wonderful time of the year, we planned some family activities that included all of us, most of us, and only two of us. I wanted to take advantage of the break and enjoy time with the kids.

Our first outing was to Ice at Gaylord Palms, Orlando. This year with limited amounts of Ice, but a movie pop up experience that was really fun. Due to reduced guests, we got a private tour of all the sets, and Yoyi was really excited when he was the volunteer for all the opportunities to turn on and off things. It made us realize we really need to add some of the classic Christmas movies to our movie nights. We missed the ice sculptures and the freezing magic it always brings, but had time for some snow tubbing.

The next fun day was at my favorite place in Tampa Bay, the Lowry Park Zoo. I really enjoy the Zoo and I choose to believe my children do as well. This trip was a big one for Yoyi, as he rode his first rollercoaster and went on the carousel all-by-himself, several times. He is growing up so quickly and is such a boy. I didn’t know what that meant before I had him but now I do. He is interested in everything Angelica would never be interested in. He also tried cotton candy and obviously loved it. And most importantly, he behaved really well on that trip with limited crying and a lot of hugs and kisses.

Lastly, Jorge and I took part of Sunday to go to Busch Gardens. The weather was amazing and we had so much fun. Like the kind of fun we don’t often have anymore. I was brave enough to ride not one but two scary rollercoasters. Super happy to report that I only experienced mild nausea and lots of laughter. This little trip definitively gave us a jump start to the next year, with hopes to be able to enjoy time together from time to time. Of course, all we could talk about while waiting in line are the kids’ upcoming birthdays and milestones. And we explored the park for areas we could visit with the kids in the near future. But at least we took some time for us and enjoyed something together.

While I felt so anxious and overwhelmed for the end of winter break, I was also really happy with the way we spent the last few days. Enjoying each others’ company, creating memories, and screaming in terror in a rollercoaster.

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