Family Fun

North Carolina, we want snow!

For our winter break this year, we decided to visit North Carolina. It was a more manageable trip than my initial proposal to drive all the way to Canada. With snow in mind, we embarked on a 9 hour car ride, which turned into 12 hours after numerous stops, and ended in Lake Lure, NC. Here are the places we visited in the subsequent days.

Day 1: We drove into the town and visited Chimney Rock. I mentioned my absolute fear of heights on this blog, and I am sad to report that the fear is still very much a part of my life. I don’t let it get in the way of my family’s fun, so sweaty, nauseous, shaking, migraine prone me, is in all the adventures. We went all the way to the top with the kids, who had a total blast and enjoyed ice cream at 29 degrees.

Day 2: Because the expectation for snow was still with me, we took a trip to Sugar Mountain. It was full of snow and the kids loved it! So much that we felt the ice tubing we had gone to explore was no longer necessary (also, the line was insane). Yoyi had been reading stories about snowman and the snow and was the most excited.

Day 3: Another drive and we visited Ashville. A big city with a noticeable nightlife. Nice for younger people but definitely not the best place for kids. Unbothered, my kids walked around, ran, posed for pictures, and had a great time.

Day 4: We explored Lake Lure a little bit more and took a trip to the frozen lake. Such an incredible view.

It was so nice to see the kids enjoying a completely different setting.

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