
Ready or not, here comes VPK

Yoyi is starting VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) this year and we are so excited to see all the great things he will be able to accomplish. We are also a little nervous about how he will fit into the big boy school routine and the learning expectations. Trying to be proactive and make the transition as successful as possible, I have been thinking about different ways to get him ready. I made this list to help me stay on track with some of the goals I want him to meet before the first day of school. These are typical goals for a preschooler, so you can grab a copy for your little one starting VPK (just click on the image).

Logically, social and emotional development in early childhood should be the priority and I am not worried about academics but rather on getting him ready for healthy interactions. For a couple of weeks we have been working on fostering independence, talking about how to ask for help, how to express our feelings, and how to understand consequences. He is a very routine oriented child so that part of the journey has been accomplish. Now, we have the challenging task of working on how to share and wait our turn, which seems to be his ongoing struggle.

My little teacher tip is to find a good children’s book that talks about these emotions or life situations. These are some of my favorite books for introducing many of these topics (sharing, waiting our turn, following directions or routines, asking for help, practicing self control)

I hope this post offered you some direction on what to work on or how to do so if you have a child that is getting ready for school for the first time.

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