
Surviving amusement parks with toddlers.

Can I start by saying that I am not an expert? There, I said it. This is simply what has worked for me and my crazy bunch. I LOVE, yes that needed capital letters, to take the kids out of the house on the weekends. However, having two toddler boys can turn that love into tears pretty quickly. Let’s just say they have difficulty listening, following directions, and having a good time. Here are my survival tips, in case you want to venture to one of the hectic busy amusements parks around you.

Busch Gardens

More than one day

Whenever possible choose tickets that allow you to return multiple times. That way, you can enjoy a different part of the park each time and you are not forced to stay an entire day there. My kids get really tired during the early afternoon hours so I can’t plan to spend an entire day at a park. I always arrive early, enjoy the park for some hours, and leave after lunch. Having a yearly option makes it worth it for our family. Most parks are so big and offer so many options that it’s impossible to explore them all in one day. It also helps keep the kids excited about visiting. Each time, we get to see something different.

Parks have annual passes or even special offers that allow you to buy a day and return the rest of the year. These are always more affordable if you plan to return.

Plan your trip

If you are visiting a new park, take some time and explore the same before you go. It will help you avoid trying to read a map when you get there and the fun tradition of walking in circles. If you are visiting with small children, make sure you know which areas would be better for them (consider rides and other attractions). I always try to stay away from shops and areas where they may get distracted. Most parks have apps or other online platforms that can help you. As you visit more and more you will get to discover the best hidden places.


Moving Around

Make sure you have a stroller or a wagon to move the kids around. I usually let them walk in small children areas but you want to avoid chasing after kids in a super crowded park. I also like to avoid them touching things or putting their hands on the floor. We have a wagon because it seemed more cost effective than a double stroller and it’s easier to move around. However, the kids can’t sleep on it, so that is definitively a negative. Make sure you read the park’s rules regarding strollers. Some don’t allow stroller wagons but in turn will rent you some very uncomfortable plastic strollers. Bottom line, don’t leave the stroller at home.


When it comes to lunch and snacks I like to bring everything with me. I am not a big fan of fast food at amusement parks. I know some are known for their amazing and peculiar recipes but my kids won’t eat any specialty food so no need to spend money on that. I like to pack yogurt or fruit pouches, small pieces of protein, cheese, and crackers. I used to sit and eat when Angie was little and it would take at least an hour. We would all end very frustrated. So, now I just do a bunch of snacks they can eat as we move around. They end up snacking all day long because I always overpack. Then we usually buy a snack if they see it and ask for it.

Other Essentials

I am not sure what else would be important to you and your family but remember to pack wipes. Those are always needed. I also like to pack an extra pacifier, a change of clothes, and a small receiving blanket.

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