Family Fun

Un viaje muy especial

This year has been one of special trips and amazing adventures. Many of these, however, did not make it into the blog yet (because life has been very busy). Today, I am making an effort to sit and document our special trip to Mexico.

This trip was planned in 20 minutes but it brought us both crippling anxiety and incredible happiness. We planned the trip two weeks in advance, only to find out that a massive storm was heading to Florida and our trip might get cancelled. We obsessed, over the days leading to the storm’s arrival, over whether or not the storm would hit, the damage would be too great, the streets would be flooded… To not make this paraphaph longer than it needs to be, just know that we woke up two days after the storm had passed and some hours after power was finally restored in our home, and drove all the way to Miami to board our plane.

Angie was extremely excited about seeing my aunt and cousins, whom she had met when she was very little. And that right there, is all that this trip needed to be the absolute best… FAMILY. This was an incredible experience for Angelica and of course brought me great happiness.

We stayed in Mexico City for 48 hours and had so much fun. Angie got to ride a bus for the first time, we danced, walked around, enjoyed food cooked by my aunt, shared a bag of some yummy fried snacks, went to church (more like walked into the church in the middle of the service), and laughed for the whole 2 days about my falling from a chair in the middle a restaurant. I am sorry to not be able to offer some visual representation but my caring family members were trying to assist me and no one thought about taking a picture.

This trip will forever hold a special place in my heart and I can only wish that we can top soon when my family gets to meet the boys.

To this amazing trio I call family: los quiero!

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