Family Fun

Visiting the Zoo, at this point, a family tradition.

Visiting the Zoo today made me think about the many times I have introduced my kids to the same giraffe (I assume its the same from 11 years ago, when we first took Angie). This short trip is so familiar now, after we have been there so many times in the past, yet we create new memories every time. Jorge doesn’t share my excitement for the zoo and needs a little convincing, but at last agrees and joins us.

Today’s visit was short but fun. The kids got to see the giraffe and the elephants. The most excited over the encounters was me. And Yoyi rode the rides but decided to skip the water area.

For a little trip down memory lane, here are all the times we have visited the zoo in the past 11 years.

We returned some years later to celebrate Angie’s 6th birthday with friends and family.

*We returned as chaperones to Angie’s school fieldtrip in 2016. (No pictures were taken…. by me)*

Our first trip with Yoyi while pregnant with Toni. I had the baby three weeks later.

We left the house for the first time, since the pandemic started, to visit the zoo. It was a very quick visit but I managed to document the experience. You can totally tell who is following the mask recommendations. And no one stopped to document the 75 times I washed my hands.

And lastly our experience today. I suspect it will be a while before I can trick Jorge into going with us again, but I can’t wait to return.

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